

IDIOMS are words or phrases that are frequently used in informal daily conversation.

FOOD THEMED IDIOMS are common in many languages. Here are some in English.

🍓 A piece of cake - if something is 'a piece of cake' it means it is very easy.

🍓 Apple of your eye - a person (usually a child), who is 'the apple of your eye' is someone you have great affection for.

🍓 Full of beans - someone who is 'full of beans' is very lively and has a lot of energy.

🍓 Butter someone up - if you 'butter someone up' you flatter them, usually when you want to influence them.

🍓 Big cheese - the 'big cheese' is a very important and successful person. 

🍓 As useful as a chocolate teapot - something that is 'as useful as a chocolate teapot' is something that is not at all practical.

🍓 In hot water - if someone is 'in hot water', they are in trouble and are likely to be punished.